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Our Phyto Nourrissant come with a new look!

Our popular supplement, Phyto Nourrissant, have came with a fresh, new look. A bottle contains 60 capsules make with beneficial herbs by our local manufacturer to improve overall well being of hectic individual.

Phyto Nourrissant nourishing the liver and kidney and clearing away the excessive heat in the body, tonify the Qi and Fluid, which help to reduce irritation and drench thirst,moistening dryness for relaxing bowels, improving the vision and darken the hair, improve the skin texture, for relief of insomnia.It helps to replenish the Yin essence, calming the mental state, due to Yin deficiency, over anxiety, palpitations and sweating in the night. 

Take 2 to 4 capsules twice a day to benefit one's health.


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