News — herbal
New packaging for our Fitrim Meal Replacement.
herbal meal replacement obesity weightloss weightloss shake

We have redesign our Fitrim Meal replacement to a bottle form containing our meal replacement powder. It come with a plastic scoop. Each scoop hold 20g of powder which to to be added to 400ml of water, milk, yogurt or your prefer beverage to give you a full, healthy meal. Every scoop of powder has only just 58kcal. This make it an excellent meal replacement which can drastically reduce calories intake. Hence, it has a significant effect for losing weight, lowering blood glucose and lipid. Each bottle contain 2 bag of powder, 300g each and a plastic scoop.
Vitalessense 精气神胶丸
calm mental chest tension herbal relaxation TCM traditional chinese medicine

A TCM herbal product that contain four herbs that benefit people who are having stressful state of mind , feeling restless for no reason, or experience chest tightness or neck and shoulder aches easily. Main ingredient is Bai Ji Li白蒺藜 is also known as Fructus Tribuli, the bitter, acrid and neutral herb has been used in TCM for Male health problem such as erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, Liver and Kidney protection, Anti hypertensive and vasodilator effects which will cause muscle relaxation, improves vision, by promoting the function of Liver meridian , etc. Next , we have Xiang Fu香附 is...
Rheumatic pain treatment
healthy herbal pain treatment soaking TCM
Our NEW! Therapeutic regimen is formulated integrating three of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s external treatments, i.e. Chinese Herb Soaking Therapy (CHST), Medicinal Cupping Therapy (MCT) and Acupoint Applying Therapy (AAT). Using ‘Medicinal Skin Feeding™’ (Transdermal drug delivery), it warms and activates the meridian, promotes the flow of Qi, regulates blood circulation, relieves muscle spasm, reduces swell and pain. Treating Rheumatic pain, regulates blood circulation, improves immunity, reduces fatigue and relieves mental stress. Indications • Acute or chronic pain (New or old injuries involving hand, wrist, elbow, foot, ankle or knee) • Arthritis (Osteoarthritis, Rheumatic Arthritis, Gout) • Shoulder or neck...
Auriculotherapy H&B™ for health and beauty
auricular beauty face uplift health healthy herbal insomnia needleless safe and effective smoking TCM traditional chinese medicine

Auriculotherapy (“auricle” means external ear) is a form of natural therapy involving the reflex points on the ear. Its theory is mainly based on the nerve relexology. In auriculotherapy, the external ear is a microsystem that represents the whole body. Every part of our body, such as head, eyes, nose, spinal column and internal organs corresponds to, and is associated with a specific point on our ear. When these points are treated, the function of our body can be improved. The most popular stimulating approaches are non-invasive ones such as ear seeds, laser or micro current. All of these treatments are painless and...