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Does obesity affect my health? By Singhealth

diet health obesity physical activities positive behaviours slimming weight loss

How does obesity affect my health? Obesity is a growing epidemic that is affecting billions of people around the world. According to the National Health Survey (2004), 25.6% of Singaporeans are overweight (BMI: 25.0kg/m2 – 29.9kg/m2) and 6.8% are obese (BMI > 30.0kg/m2). It is well established that obesity increases the risk of developing chronic diseases, including Type II Diabetes Mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer. Individuals who are obese are also at higher risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders1 such as osteoarthritis2 of weight-bearing joints, chronic kidney disease and obstructive sleep apnoea. These obesity-related co-morbidities increases the individual’s...

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Can Meal Replacement Help You Lose Weight? By Singapore General Hospital

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Repost from Study suggests that replacing one meal with a weightloss shake or bar may be more effective than relying solely on a low-calorie diet Eating less rich foods may not lead to a smaller waistline. Instead, replacing one meal in a low-calorie meal plan with a weight-loss shake or bar may be more effective than merely following a low-calorie diet alone, a study by a group of Singapore General Hospital (SGH) dietitians found. People who are overweight or obese are put on a weight-management programme that includes a low-calorie diet, or such a diet combined with a meal replacement. “But the...

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body constitution slimming Traditional Chinese Medicine

气虚质  体质分析:如果您不能长距离行走 爬一两层楼气喘,说话声音低,且中间需要停顿换气。此乃由于元气不足,造成气息低弱、机体、脏腑功能状态低下为主要特征的一种体质状态。 由于身体机能较低下,一切生理活动变慢,日常节奏都慢于一般人。容易气喘吁吁,运动就不能达到一定的量;经常感冒生病也就意味休息的时间更多,造就了气虚多胖人,同时胖子也多气虚。 气虚体质主要症状:(1)容易疲乏(2)容易气短(3)容易头晕眼花(4)比别人容易患感冒(5)喜欢安静、懒得说话(6)说话声音低弱无力(7)活动量稍大就容易出虚汗。 阳虚质 体质分析:因为体内缺少阳气,身体不暖,会表现出一系列虚寒症状。阳气不足体质 ,是气虚体质失治后的进一步发展,由于身体基础代谢率较低,造成体温偏低,也由于体温的低下形成能量消耗减少,体型一般偏胖,肌肉松软不实,所以就是吃得少,体重还是难以得到改善。 如果你看起来偏胖,肌肉少,面色苍白,口唇颜色浅,脱发,经常腹泻,性格沉静、内向,自己也觉得精神不振,怕冷,手足冰凉,睡眠偏多就是阳虚体质。 痰湿体质 体质分析:由于水液或营养物质内停而痰湿凝聚,以粘滞重浊为主要特征的体质状态。痰湿之人一般刚开始是天生脾胃比较虚弱或饮食不节所造成。因为饮食没有节制,暴饮暴食,超过了人体正常脾胃的受纳标准,日久必然需要更高热能的食物才能满足脾胃的运作,所以痰湿体质者饮食喜欢肥肉、甜腻食物;由于摄取高热能食物过多,皮肤油脂分泌也多,热能高造成多汗、汗粘,上眼睑有轻微隆起的现象。 脾胃运化能力不足或过劳,可以导致饮食阻滞,脾胃损伤,出现脘腹胀闷等症,此时腹部肥满松软。食积日久,可郁而化热,亦可聚湿生痰,久则酿成积;其次经常的饮食过量,不仅可导致消化不良,使得体内的血液流动出现了凝滞,在身体各处形成“痰湿“的脂肪堆积增厚,尤其在腹部影响气血流通,筋脉郁滞,而致坚硬腹部肥胖型病症。这就是“肥人多痰”、“肥人湿多”的来由。 湿热体质 体质分析:以湿热内蕴为主要特征的体质状态。由于体内湿气和燥气并存,当热胜于湿的时候,容易上火,肠胃就会变得亢进,所以经常爱吃肉,或口渴喜冷饮或冰冻酒类,摄取过多高热能食物和饮料引起肥胖;湿度大于热则困脾胃,消化变慢,食量较少,所以湿热体质形体偏胖或干瘦取决于湿与热的对决。 如果您皮肤容易出油,易生痤疮,性情急躁,易怒。自己也觉得口苦、口干,经常心烦,眼睛发红、发干,便秘,小便少且颜色深,白带较多,大便解不尽的感觉,这就是湿热体质。 血瘀体质 体质分析:血瘀是指体内有血液运行不畅的潜在倾向或瘀血内阻的病理基础。如果疲滞阻塞发展到血络和微循环的新陈代谢,就会对人体产生严重影响。“久病入络”,许多慢性难治性疾病、疼痛性疾病和血瘀体质有明显的因果关系。 在血瘀体质的基础上,容易产生肥胖并发症。如果肥胖,尤其中度以上的肥胖夹杂着瘀血的话,肥胖的并发症会出现得较早,比如说高血压、中风、冠心病、痛风、糖尿病等,年纪轻轻就浑身是病。 有些人非常瘦,体重达不到标准,但是又查不出什么病。体质性的消瘦(不达标)通常由以下几个原因造成:一是阴虚内热,消耗大;二是气血化源不足,吃得非常少,稍微不注意还肚子胀、拉肚子,吃得少排得多,所以胖不起来;三是瘀血不去、新血不生,营养在最细的脉络处被堵塞,不能被吸收,所以吃不胖应该从调整体质来增重。 气郁体质 体质分析:由于现代人呆在办公室的时间较长,长期思虑过多、压力沉积,情志不畅、气机郁滞而形成的以性格内向不稳定的体质状态,早出晚归,阳光照射时间短,体内褪黑激素的含量比普通人多而影响他们的情绪。 正常抑郁症的一般症状:伤心、焦虑、易怒、对事物兴趣索然、社会活动减少、注意力无法集中,由于食量偏少,所以体型偏瘦。 季节性抑郁症的人会有抑郁症的一般症状,其特有的一些症状还包括:嗜睡、糖类需求量增加、食欲旺盛、体重必然增加而形成肥胖症。 特禀质(过敏体质)  体质分析:表现为一种特异性体质,由于先天遗传至父母的肥胖因子或外界因素造成了过敏或特殊的体质。遗传性肥胖体质可以分为虚胖于实胖两种,虚胖者脂肪量多;实者体型犹如运动员,肌肉指数特高,不须要特别的调治。 过敏体质的人容易过敏,药物、食物、气味、花粉,因季节变化、温度变化或异味等原因而咳喘,皮肤容易起荨麻疹(风团、风疹块、风疙瘩)。治疗药物往往是类固醇类莫属,药物的副作用间接的造成肥胖。 特禀或过敏体质的人都应该增加运动,顺应自然界四时变化而起居,以增强免疫力,减少罹患其他疾病。患有遗传性疾病的人要防止疾病遗传,避免与同类体质的人结婚生子是较好的选项。 阴虚体质 体质分析:因为遗传因素,熬夜、喜好煎炸食物和喝水量不足、久坐不动等原因而引起体内阴液干枯,体内血液循环减缓、血流量减小,对各器官的营养和水分供应不足,出现身体燥热的现象。 由于体温偏高造成热能耗损加大,因此阴虚体质者可以食量大而偏瘦,这就是“瘦人多火”。表现的是经常口舌生疮,体温偏高又怕冷的体征。 因此,阴虚体质者如果要增肥就必须改变体质。补充体内阴液来减低体温是首选方法。

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Appreciation on the Overwhelming Responses on our Online Shop

health health survey sub health supplement Traditional Chinese Medicine

Since the launch of our online shop in August last year, we were so thankful for the overwhelming response showed by our clients.  One important feature that most clients have shared is that they find it so useful to have taken our exclusive survey before we pair them with our products.  The results was near perfection, unlike the supplements that they had bought over the shelves in pharmacies or supermarkets, it addresses their problems impeccably.  We have humbly taken in their sharings and in showing our heartfelt appreciation, we are now opening up our exclusive survey to the public. Anyone and everyone can...

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Why do we need to detox our body?

detox health supplement Traditional Chinese Medicine

Phyto Detox-A natural healthy way to detox your body!    It's not facials, diet plans or plastic surgery that you need. Bodily disorders, be it bad complexion or illnesses, simply stem from what's accumulated in your body, so all you need is to detox. Not sure how it works? Phyto Detox Capsule has the answers and solution for…….. HOW DO TOXINS BUILD UP IN MY BODY? Waste products and toxins accumulate in our body from the food we eat throughout the years.The human body has its own cleansing system to expel them. But sometimes, the detoxification channels fail to perform...

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