News — health
Sleep Apnoea Syndrome(SAS)
diet health obesity Sleep Apnoea Syndrome(SAS) slimming weight loss
Sleep Apnoea Syndrome(SAS) Snoring(due to airway obstruction), restless sleep and sleepiness are the most common symptoms shown in Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (SAS).During a seven hour sleep, if breathing is stopped more than 30 times and each time is above 10 seconds this is a clear sign of Sleep Apnoea Syndrome. During sleep apnoea, a person will experience an increase in Carbon Dioxide(CO2) in the body. Chemoreceptors are receptors which respond to any changes in CO2 or Oxygen(O2). There are two main types of chemoreceptors, central and peripheral and both responds to an increase in Carbon Dioxide. As a result, this...
health slimming Traditional Chinese Medicine weight loss
Repost from 减肥的基本原则是减少热量摄取和/或增加热量消耗。具体方法大致如下: (1)健康教育 通过教育、宣导,加深肥胖者对肥胖症发生原因、对健康的危害等的认识,了解常用减肥方法的作用机理,帮助他们掌握健康饮食的要点、体育锻炼的方法等,鼓励他们采用健康的生活方式(如合理饮食、适量运动)等。 (2)行为矫正(行为疗法) 主要是训练、指导肥胖者摒弃不健康的生活方式,建立健康的生活方式,如改变饮食结构、增加体育锻炼等。这其中涉及很多具体策略,如自我监测、刺激控制、社会支持、压力管理、认知重建等。 (3)饮食调整(饮食节制疗法) 在专业人员的帮助下,制定个体化的饮食调整方案,以控制总热量和采用低脂肪、低糖、低盐和高膳食纤维的饮食为主。 (4)体育锻炼(运动疗法) 指导肥胖者坚持体力活动或体育锻炼,以增加热量的消耗。 (5)药物治疗 目前仅有奥利司他(Orlistat)一种药物是通过相关部门认证,可以从医生那里获得。前几年十分流行的西布曲明(Sibutramine)因副作用严重,现在已经被禁用。 (6)手术治疗 常见的有吸脂术、切脂术、空肠回肠分流术、胃气囊术和小胃手术等。 (7)中医治疗 常见的有针灸、耳穴治疗、按摩、拔罐、方药等。 (8)保健品 常见的有各类减肥茶、减肥胶囊、减肥代餐等。 另外,对于继发性肥胖症,如库欣综合征、甲状腺功能减退症、多囊卵巢综合征,以及药物(如服用抗精神病药、糖皮质激素等)引起的肥胖,必须针对病因进行治疗,才能有效地控制体重。
Does obesity affect my health? By Singhealth
diet health obesity physical activities positive behaviours slimming weight loss
How does obesity affect my health? Obesity is a growing epidemic that is affecting billions of people around the world. According to the National Health Survey (2004), 25.6% of Singaporeans are overweight (BMI: 25.0kg/m2 – 29.9kg/m2) and 6.8% are obese (BMI > 30.0kg/m2). It is well established that obesity increases the risk of developing chronic diseases, including Type II Diabetes Mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer. Individuals who are obese are also at higher risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders1 such as osteoarthritis2 of weight-bearing joints, chronic kidney disease and obstructive sleep apnoea. These obesity-related co-morbidities increases the individual’s...
Appreciation on the Overwhelming Responses on our Online Shop
health health survey sub health supplement Traditional Chinese Medicine
Since the launch of our online shop in August last year, we were so thankful for the overwhelming response showed by our clients. One important feature that most clients have shared is that they find it so useful to have taken our exclusive survey before we pair them with our products. The results was near perfection, unlike the supplements that they had bought over the shelves in pharmacies or supermarkets, it addresses their problems impeccably. We have humbly taken in their sharings and in showing our heartfelt appreciation, we are now opening up our exclusive survey to the public. Anyone and everyone can...
Why do we need to detox our body?
detox health supplement Traditional Chinese Medicine
Phyto Detox-A natural healthy way to detox your body! It's not facials, diet plans or plastic surgery that you need. Bodily disorders, be it bad complexion or illnesses, simply stem from what's accumulated in your body, so all you need is to detox. Not sure how it works? Phyto Detox Capsule has the answers and solution for…….. HOW DO TOXINS BUILD UP IN MY BODY? Waste products and toxins accumulate in our body from the food we eat throughout the years.The human body has its own cleansing system to expel them. But sometimes, the detoxification channels fail to perform...